Silence in the cold.

19th January 2024

It was a long-awaited photo session in the snow. I wanted to take a couple of pinhole pictures and practice the 4x5 large format process in detail again. So I took my Harman Titan 4x5 pinhole camera and some film holders loaded with Ilford FP4+ plan film. I went to my preferred spot, which is not far from home, and enjoyed the snowy landscape. All pictures turned out very well and here is an example taken at the Wakenitz.

The pinhole cone I used for the camera has an aperture of F206 and a wide angle of view. I measured an exposure time of 1/8s at an aperture of F16 and ISO 125. Because of the snow, I used a value of 1/4s to compensate for this and get more light. With the calculated reciprocity failure, I got an exposure time of 1:50 minutes.

It was fun and I enjoyed this a lot. So more photos are on the way ;-)



HARMAN TiTAN Pinhole Camera 4x5


Pinhole F206


Ilford FP4+ 125 ISO


ADOX XT-3 (1+1) 9 min @20C - rotary processor

Rotary development with the JOBO CPE 3 processor. Ilford FP4+ plan film 4x5 at ISO 125 developed with ADOX XT-3 (1+1) and -10% compensation for the rotation development. Development time 9 min @20°C.


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